A top ten list of the most spectacular NASCAR flips of the 2010s.
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#Nascar #2010s #NascarFlips
Kinda sad Crafton’s flip isn’t here. That was poetry in motion.
@Green Grass That was a gnarly wreck that should have been on here too I agree.
@UCjQ194L6OnwJ7uYYn6_Sa4g yeah it was, Xfinity race
Ashton Young it’s was number 5
@Bad Booking The reason its probably not on there is because there were literally no good camera angles. Why, Fox Sports cameramen?
“Yeah it’s kinda sad I got out this early in the ra- oh my god someone flipped”
My top 10:
10: Ron Hornaday @ Talladega 2010
9: A.J Allmendinger @ Talladega 2010
8: Jeff Gordon @ Daytona 2012
7: Chris Buescher @ Talladega 2016
6: Brad Keselowski @ Atlanta 2010
5: David Reutimann @ Watkins Glen 2011
4: Jamie McMurray @ Talladega 2018
3: Kyle Larson @ Talladega 2019
2: Christopher Bell @ Daytona 2016
1: Austin Dillon @ Daytona 2015
Oh yea
HarvickFan 4 Brendan is gaughan
HERE is Our Savior
YaH The Heavenly FATHER HIMSELF was Who they Crucified for our sins, NOT jesus, and “HERE IS THE PROOF”
From the Ancient Semitic Scroll:
“Yad He Vav He” is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3)
Ancient Semitic Direct Translation
Yad – “Behold The Hand”
He – “Behold the Breath”
Vav – “Behold The NAIL” <— YaH’s Crucifixion He - "Behold the Breath" “Behold the HAND that Beholds The NAIL” PROVES - YAH The Heavenly Father HIMSELF was Who they Crucified That is EXACTLY what Moses Wrote Here is what they mean YaH's Name: (Ya)d + (H)e, as YaH is what Moses called Him and YaH Declared: "this is My Name, this is My Name for all generations" (Exodus 3) YaH is The Creator of “MAN”: Yad He, (HAND BREATH), as YaH's "HAND" Formed man from the dust of the Earth and His "BREATH" made him a living being (Adam) YaH's Sacrifice of Crucifixion for “MAN”: Vav He (NAIL BREATH), the "NAIL" through YaH’s "HAND", in Sacrifice of Crucifixion, that whosoever shall call YaH Savior, His “BREATH” brings forth life (Salvation) How YaH arrives: YaH arrives via the Tent of Meeting (Exodus 33:7:11, Isaiah 54, 55), where a Tent is erected outside the city, a cloud descends upon the entrance of the Tent and YaH appears... Why they demanded YaH to be Crucified: YaH was Crucified according to Hebrew law (Deuteronomy 21), to be Hung on an Almond Tree for BLASPHEMY as it was for His NAME they demanded Him Crucified. The Messiah claimed He was YaH... HE WAS YaH!!! HalleluYAH translates “Praise ye YaH” The Hebrew Book of Isaiah Isaiah 42:8 "I am YaH; that is my Name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols. Isaiah 43:11 I, I am YAH, and there is no other Savior but Me. Isaiah 45:5 I am YaH, and there is none else.
Brendan Gaughan is my favorite driver, just because of his commentary of his own wreck
Eh, it’s Stenhouse, go figure
It’s alright mother, it’s just a flip
Corbin Selanne that was amazing
10) AJ did Chase in to cause the Big One
9) 01 was out of control all day
8) McDowell punted Danica into Kenseth
7) Eh, it’s Stenhouse, go figure
6) Another Big One that involves Kurt, another wreck that has someone land atop Newman
5) Junior rolls it in the then-Nationwide opener
4) And the 99 has turned over Brad Keselowski!
3) I count 13 rolls…
2) The Davids come together, sending the 00 rolling
Wow ur gonna do stenhouse like that
The fact that all the crew members ran out to check on Dillion after that crash is amazing
It was immediate fear seeing the #3 wreck like that at Daytona, I remember thinking the worst had happened and another driver had died behind the wheel of RCR #3. Gordon had tears almost showing because the memories of Dale’s death.
HERE is The Savior
YaH The Heavenly FATHER HIMSELF was Who they Crucified for our sins, NOT jesus, and “HERE IS THE PROOF”
From the Ancient Semitic Scroll:
“Yad He Vav He” is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3)
Ancient Semitic Direct Translation
Yad – “Behold The Hand”
He – “Behold the Breath”
Vav – “Behold The NAIL” <— YaH’s Crucifixion He - "Behold the Breath" “Behold the HAND that Beholds The NAIL” PROVES - YAH The Heavenly Father HIMSELF was Who they Crucified That is EXACTLY what Moses Wrote Here is what they mean YaH's Name: (Ya)d + (H)e, as YaH is what Moses called Him and YaH Declared: "this is My Name, this is My Name for all generations" (Exodus 3) YaH is The Creator of “MAN”: Yad He, (HAND BREATH), as YaH's "HAND" Formed man from the dust of the Earth and His "BREATH" made him a living being (Adam) YaH's Sacrifice of Crucifixion for “MAN”: Vav He (NAIL BREATH), the "NAIL" through YaH’s "HAND", in Sacrifice of Crucifixion, that whosoever shall call YaH Savior, His “BREATH” brings forth life (Salvation) How YaH arrives: YaH arrives via the Tent of Meeting (Exodus 33:7:11, Isaiah 54, 55), where a Tent is erected outside the city, a cloud descends upon the entrance of the Tent and YaH appears... Why they demanded YaH to be Crucified: YaH was Crucified according to Hebrew law (Deuteronomy 21), to be Hung on an Almond Tree for BLASPHEMY as it was for His NAME they demanded Him Crucified. The Messiah claimed He was YaH... HE WAS YaH!!! HalleluYAH translates “Praise ye YaH” The Hebrew Book of Isaiah Isaiah 42:8 "I am YaH; that is my Name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols. Isaiah 43:11 I, I am YAH, and there is no other Savior but Me. Isaiah 45:5 I am YaH, and there is none else.
Brendan Gaughan’s flip is still the most majestic thing I’ve seen in NASCAR.
6:29-6:42 *Dinoco’s All Mine*
I still can’t believe it actually happened
It was awesome
HERE is The Savior
YaH The Heavenly FATHER HIMSELF was Who they Crucified for our sins, NOT jesus, and “HERE IS THE PROOF”
From the Ancient Semitic Scroll:
“Yad He Vav He” is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3)
Ancient Semitic Direct Translation
Yad – “Behold The Hand”
He – “Behold the Breath”
Vav – “Behold The NAIL” <— YaH’s Crucifixion He - "Behold the Breath" “Behold the HAND that Beholds The NAIL” PROVES - YAH The Heavenly Father HIMSELF was Who they Crucified That is EXACTLY what Moses Wrote Here is what they mean YaH's Name: (Ya)d + (H)e, as YaH is what Moses called Him and YaH Declared: "this is My Name, this is My Name for all generations" (Exodus 3) YaH is The Creator of “MAN”: Yad He, (HAND BREATH), as YaH's "HAND" Formed man from the dust of the Earth and His "BREATH" made him a living being (Adam) YaH's Sacrifice of Crucifixion for “MAN”: Vav He (NAIL BREATH), the "NAIL" through YaH’s "HAND", in Sacrifice of Crucifixion, that whosoever shall call YaH Savior, His “BREATH” brings forth life (Salvation) How YaH arrives: YaH arrives via the Tent of Meeting (Exodus 33:7:11, Isaiah 54, 55), where a Tent is erected outside the city, a cloud descends upon the entrance of the Tent and YaH appears... Why they demanded YaH to be Crucified: YaH was Crucified according to Hebrew law (Deuteronomy 21), to be Hung on an Almond Tree for BLASPHEMY as it was for His NAME they demanded Him Crucified. The Messiah claimed He was YaH... HE WAS YaH!!! HalleluYAH translates “Praise ye YaH” The Hebrew Book of Isaiah Isaiah 42:8 "I am YaH; that is my Name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols. Isaiah 43:11 I, I am YAH, and there is no other Savior but Me. Isaiah 45:5 I am YaH, and there is none else.
Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t someone get a peice of metal impailed in there arm or hand at Austin Dillon’a crash
“Talladega- the world’s fastest junkyard.” Yup, that just about sums it up.
As Dale won at Daytona he was radioing to his crew asking if everyone was alright behind him. He had genuine concern for the people in that crash, and this is why we love Dale. He is always humble and caring so sad he left racing
He didn’t leave racing. He’s still a big part of it with the broadcasting booth and NBC
Bruh he literally does a race every year
Brendan Gaughan is my new favorite driver. That guys charisma is amazing.
“Nothing hurt,easy flip.Dammit!”
Gonna have to find a new driver. This Sunday is his final race
@rat_fans24 no
@Kenneth Sheriff what! Why?
He is cool
“Just remember, there is a driver in every one of those cars”. Well, that kills my remote control theory for NASCAR
#6: The interview with Ryan Newman was a bit tough to watch considering his flip 7 years later at Daytona…
See ya
Oh whatever. They milked that for everything it was worth. Didnt even hear how he was for over a day making people worry then oh, wait oh he is just fine. Only thing that was milked more was the garage door pull rope at talladega.
and his first Daytona flip 10 years before then
@Alan luscombe8a If Corey LaJoie had hit Newman half a millisecond later, Newman would have had a bar in his head and died! That incident is not something that should be shrugged off
Just goes to show that what happened to the 3 in 2001 had such a huge impact on car safety. 14 years later and Dillon was able to walk away from a huge wreck that would have most probably killed the driver back then…
Carl Edwards should be on this list, he won 12 times in the 2010s 🙂
Can we take a minute to admire some of the camera work and skills of the camera people that can keep up with the speed of the stock cars.
@alone alone I guess that is the correct way to put it
I love how Brendan thanked his team, told everyone of his condition, AND analyzed the entire wreck all in one interview.
you all probably dont care at all but does any of you know a tool to get back into an instagram account?
I stupidly lost the password. I would appreciate any help you can give me.
@Jamie Genesis instablaster 😉
Sweet Barrel Roll..
HERE is The Savior
YaH The Heavenly FATHER HIMSELF was Who they Crucified for our sins, NOT jesus, and “HERE IS THE PROOF”
From the Ancient Semitic Scroll:
“Yad He Vav He” is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3)
Ancient Semitic Direct Translation
Yad – “Behold The Hand”
He – “Behold the Breath”
Vav – “Behold The NAIL” <— YaH’s Crucifixion He - "Behold the Breath" “Behold the HAND that Beholds The NAIL” PROVES - YAH The Heavenly Father HIMSELF was Who they Crucified That is EXACTLY what Moses Wrote Here is what they mean YaH's Name: (Ya)d + (H)e, as YaH is what Moses called Him and YaH Declared: "this is My Name, this is My Name for all generations" (Exodus 3) YaH is The Creator of “MAN”: Yad He, (HAND BREATH), as YaH's "HAND" Formed man from the dust of the Earth and His "BREATH" made him a living being (Adam) YaH's Sacrifice of Crucifixion for “MAN”: Vav He (NAIL BREATH), the "NAIL" through YaH’s "HAND", in Sacrifice of Crucifixion, that whosoever shall call YaH Savior, His “BREATH” brings forth life (Salvation) How YaH arrives: YaH arrives via the Tent of Meeting (Exodus 33:7:11, Isaiah 54, 55), where a Tent is erected outside the city, a cloud descends upon the entrance of the Tent and YaH appears... Why they demanded YaH to be Crucified: YaH was Crucified according to Hebrew law (Deuteronomy 21), to be Hung on an Almond Tree for BLASPHEMY as it was for His NAME they demanded Him Crucified. The Messiah claimed He was YaH... HE WAS YaH!!! HalleluYAH translates “Praise ye YaH” The Hebrew Book of Isaiah Isaiah 42:8 "I am YaH; that is my Name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols. Isaiah 43:11 I, I am YAH, and there is no other Savior but Me. Isaiah 45:5 I am YaH, and there is none else.
The Brendan and Ryan interviews were awesome. I loved how that end of pit road emptied out to assist Austin.
With the A.J. Allmendinger flip we almost had two flips in one wreck. Chase Elliot was so lucky he not only didn’t flip but didn’t fly into that catch fence
Joey Logano was near to flipping too
I will never forget watching Brendan Gaughan flip live. I screamed Woah there they go again! And then I was left speechless with my jaw on the floor for about 2 minutes after what I just saw.
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