Sorry for the long wait again, school and football have been busy but our season just ended so hopefully I have some more time. I'm surprised I didn't come up with this idea earlier but it's up! I hope you guys enjoyed this video and if you could like and subscribe that would be great!
All credits go to: Fox Sports, NBC, CBS, and ESPN
Montoya’s crash was beyond strange….. in fact the 2012 speedweeks as a whole was beyond strange.
If I remember right, the truck arms on Montoya’s car were made out of thinner than normal metal and they collapsed. His teammate had the same problem not long after, except for the running into the jet drier thing of course.
@martin joseph You need to get your home checked for a natural-gas leak. You are exhibiting symptoms of oxygen deprivation………or inbreeding……..
That Mark Martin crash (especially the onboard video not included in this clip) is still one of the scariest crashes I’ve ever seen. I am sure Mark needed a fresh pair of Fruit of the Loom.
Nick Mangona can I have a time stamp
8:35 Them Duke boys would’ve been proud of that jump right there
Look like them Duke boiz gettin’ a lil fresh air.
Are we sure that guy isn’t a professional rally racer?
Dustin Krueger he jumped the road so smooth
How many drivers does it take to kill a jet dryer?
Just Juan
I don’t get it
Lol Spoolin if broke the axle and crashed into the jet dryer .
Lol Spoolin it’s mon Montoya
one kyle larson lol
Somehow Juan Pablo Montoya hit the only thing on the track that Cole Trickle missed…
Wasn’t Cole ordered to hit the pace car?
@Corbin Selanne Yep. I believe the reasoning was that he’d hit everything else there was to hit on the track, so if he hit the pace car he would have hit everything there was to hit. Fun movie, even if it was pretty hokey. The Dread Pirate Roberts (Carey Elwes) was the bad guy too.
@Corbin Selanne
HARRY: We got a couple more laps of caution, I want you to go out there and hit the PACE CAR!
COLE: hit the pace car?!?
COLE: but why?
HARRY: You’ve hit every other G.D. THING on that track! I just want your day to be PERFECT!!!
my favorite exchange in “Days of Thunder”
@Keith Lowe that movie is so great
At least Danica wasn’t there
This video should have included Michael Waltrip’s entire career.
Right. His Bristol crash should have definitely made this compilation.
Michael Waltrip could race, so to speak, but he really didn’t belong behind the wheel. I’ve actually lost count of how many near fatal wrecks that he’s been in! His brother, Darrel Waltrip…now, that’s another story. Ol’ Jaws knew how to win races, and, early on in his career, he gave Dale Earnhardt fits! They hated each other with a passion! Eventually, though, they became good friends. I’m not going to take sides in that feud. Just glad they didn’t kill each other… although you can bet your bottom dollar that they wanted to kill each other at times!
@Bob They came out with a movie called Wreck It Ralph. They should’ve come out with Wreck It Mike, at least in this case! I’m not making fun of him at all! The guy’s got a lot of guts!!! Poor Mike…all he wanted to do was race! I like him, and I definitely admire him for trying to live his dream. Too often, though, it suddenly turned into a nightmare! All respect to him, though. He, at least, was willing to live his dream, no matter what!!! God bless him, through and through!!!
So much sloppy butt sex. Sad that literally the best driver ever died because MW couldn’t lock down the win on his own.
Kyle petty,s career .
Fantastic collection!
I remember that jet engine explosion; I wish someone filming had actually caught it in frame.
Cars Simplified there is no clear footage (that I’m aware of) but there is a photo of it.
I remember Mark Martin taking that hit, an absolute miracle that the concrete beam hit just behind the driver seat.It
Today, I have learned that it takes a jet engine to dry a racetrack
@Mostlyharmless1985 rain tires cant handle the weight of the cars at the speeds the run. The 24hr cars run much slower and weigh less which let’s their tires hold up. I’m sure they could do it at a shorter track with low speeds but its probably not worth the cost of developing and testing a tire for a “maybe” situation
camarowland4 what?
@Quintinohthree exactly.. I was sure I’ve seen both stockcars and gt-cars doing banked tracks in wet.. all I found was this from road courses
Same here
The Cup Series raced in the rain last weekend at the Roval! The Xfinity Series has also raced in the race a few times (mainly at road courses).
Some of these races, especially the early ones where the spectators are so near to the tracks, reminds me of going over to my mother and father’s on a Sunday. Daddy liked his NASCAR racing and had cable TV which broadcast them during the season. I was in my early 30’s and we would watch the race together. Each car looked like a regular production model (I know they weren’t but that was the intended effect) and the excitement of the racing was so real. It was a very special time for me watching with my Dad. He’s gone now and sadly too is the excitement that NASCAR racing used to be.
6:24 *“Now thats a lot of damage!”*
He even sounds like the flex seal guy too lmao
“I want you to hit the pace car!”
“Hit the pace car! You’ve hit everything else on the track!”
that was funny..
Thank you for this video.. I have watched a lot of your video compilations online and personally think that your videos are more interesting and fun to watch than the actual races anymore.
I used to watch every race but when Jimmie Johnson won the Championship like 7 years in a row or something like that, I lost interest. I bet Jimmie Johnson fans were even bored of it.
NASCAR was so big in the late 90’s early 2000’s I think it burned itself out…
Maybe if they got Tony Stewart to call the races instead of Gordo-boredo (Jeff Gordon, as if you didn’t know, lol), I may consider tuning in and watching. Tony has more personality than Junior, Gordon and Jeff Burton put together.
*_Talks about engine blowing up_*
*”Is that a tire?”*
@Vuntaye EHH, A lot of black smoke going on there. I am not saying 100% couldn’t have been one thing leading to another, but that’s a lot of black smoke a bit too quickly in the slow mo which seems backfire like.
Like intake backfire.
@Nikko Grace Then that’ll be backfire x2
It was confirmed as a blown tire. The black smoke was actually brake dust which is generated more-so on road courses.
@Mac Jr. Yeah. The inside wall of the tire blew. And because he was going so slow it was much more violent.
“I’ve never seen a motor blow up like that”
*”iS tHaT a TiRe?”*
What are the odds, I actually read that along with the voice in the video lmao
CircleNoob101 same
I think it was
“A NASCAR spokesman confirmed the sanctioning body impounded the car and would examine it, returning back to the team later on the same day. Apparently, a brake caliper started grinding on the wheel and the excessive heat was enough to cause the explosion in the right front. The explosion blew towards the left side of the car and then upward, causing significant damage to the nose clip and hood.”
0:17 rare footage of cruz ramirez trying to beat jackson storm
behind the scenes cars 3 leak
*crashes on ANY pit road*
“This is the most difficult pit to get into!”
0:16 Doc Hudson would’ve pulled that off without a sweat.. wannabes..
Rodrigo Martinelli that’s just dark…. he could have harmed his self really bad
Randomalt 327 yeah but it wouldn’t have been on yt sooooo. Anyway, we can still make jokes right?
Nascar driver: I will never crash!
Wall: *Allow me to introduce myself*
0:18 mcqueen wouldve nailed that and still win the race
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