Ross Chastain is at it again, and this time it's Rick Hendrick who is now angry at his antics. With the incident between Kyle Larson and Ross Chastain at the Darlington Raceway all of both NASCAR and Hendrick Motorsports was put on notice by Rick Hendrick who spoke of his distain for the actions of Chastain. With it many will be watching with a keen eye, as Hendrick rarely have choice words for opposing teams' drivers.
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Rick Hendrick Vs. Ross Chastain | The Ross Chastain Sage escalates
What do you think of Rick Hendrick’s comments on Ross Chastain?
I’m agreeing what with Geoff bodine said “those guys never raced Earnhardt”
It’s going to be like the playoffs in 2014.
its a little hypocritical considering how many times Hendrick cars has done the same thing.
The main thing I didn’t like was Larson did that 2 days in a row. First he put John hunter in the wall then walked chastain. You could say chastain deserved it, but why did John hunter?
All I can say is that Ross is probably taking over Ty’s heel role which I didn’t see it coming to be honest. Hey, did the OOTG car got any camera time? If not, why bother?
The Ross Chastain villan arc continues
You know it’s getting out of hand when Rick Hendrick calls you out for your aggressive driving
Yet he bribes the appeals board every time they call him out on something
@S.KullRandom You have no legitimate proof to back that up.
I’m someone who won’t complain about how Ross is racing. It got him here, why should he stop now? Yes, he should back down a bit, but he shouldn’t entirely stop racing like this.
It’s not really the way he races that bothers me, it’s how he goes about it saying, “I made a mistake” and apologizes for it only to do it again next week.
I’d rather have him just say, “this is how I drive, cry about it” than try and be like “oh nooo I’m so sorry, I promise it won’t happen again” and continue to do it.
@Ryan Derke That’s just the way the game is played now, soulless platitudes are encouraged and honesty is penalized in NASCAR, just ask Hamlin.
@Chips Dubbo Hamlin shouldn’t have wrecked him for no reason other than to settle a score that could’ve been done sometime in the 8 months prior to that happening. He deserved that penalty
He will NEVER win a championship doing this.
@Brian Jones He finished runner up last year and has been the points leader for most of this year, seems to be working well for him so far
One of these weeks he’s gonna be in a full blown fight after a race. It’s only a matter of time
Good. These drivers need to quit whining to the camera and actually do something. I’m a chastain fan, I 100% want to see him fight some people
Chastain gonna be cutting em and stacking em like a truckload of watermelons. The whiny little simps fight best on social media.
@Joseph Phillippe but we shouldn’t expect Larson to do anything though. I don’t even know why everyone expects that from him.
I have a feeling we’re gonna have another 2014 Texas moment, when a full out brawl happens on pit road
I said the exact same thing. He WILL be punched sometime this year.
I hope we see something like that. Or another Jeff vs Clint moment. And this is coming from someone who’s both a Hendrick and Trackhouse fan. At the end of the day I wanna see some entertaining racing and feuding bottom line. Can’t say this doesn’t make for good television
Might be at Martinsville or there’s a brawl at trailer like Kenseth and Keselowski.
I might be there to see it.
@Marky Marc Remember it’s not about how it starts, it’s how it ends. The drivers who have the balls to punch him are few at best.
As someone who doesn’t like Chastain being THIS aggressive, I think it’s good for the sport. Every sport needs a villain and we have one. I don’t think he needs to stop being aggressive but just pull it back just a little bit or we’re just going to see wrecks with him and other Chevy drivers every week. But it does bring good attention to the sport and have ppl watch that may normally not watch NASCAR every week but now they are to see what Ross does next. Just depends what side you look at
The issue is, Ross isn’t really a villain. Kyle Busch is a villain. Logano was a villain, and arguably still is to some despite his efforts to clean up his image. Those guys embraced the role. Ross doesn’t. The other thing those guys have that Ross doesn’t is that they’re good enough that they don’t have to drive dirty to be successful. The fans know that, which makes them even more agitated. Ross is just a midfield driver in top notch equipment, similar to what Michael Waltrip was at DEI.
@Matt B.Kyle Busch is not a villain anymore lol
I disagree and here’s why. Fans who come into this sport thinking this is an every week drama will lose interest when it’s not. The Ross drama needs to be short lived. Real fans should be agitated by him,
@Guardians Creed Yep!! At first I thought it was good for the sport and liked watching the drama unfold but now I’m tired of it, Its stealing the spotlight from fantastic racing like Kansas.
Frankly im surprised how this has completely dominated the news cycle and no one seems to even care about truex’s absolute bonehead spin right before it.
Legit forgot that happened
Truex does NOT DO that virtually every week.
@Karen Koe exactly so it’s more surprising and newsworthy.
Watching the 1 car at the track yesterday, it was pretty obvious that the other drivers move differently when he’s around. The lapped cars seemed kind of skittish, almost like they were afraid of him, while the leaders, with the somewhat ironic exception of Hamlin, looked ready to throw elbows. I can’t help but think a lot of these incidents come from his reputation more than his driving. Like the Truex thing. Ross spent a lot of time trying not to lap his teammate, and when Truex got to him, he gave up the bottom lane, despite the fact that that’s where he was comfortable. Truex didn’t have to try and squeeze him, but he did, and that cost him a stage win. The Larson wreck probably wouldn’t have happened if he didn’t get squeezed on the restart before that. Chastain makes mistakes, and lots of them, but it’s like everyone else forgets how to race smart when they’re around him, too.
Good point, given the slower cars have to worry about Ross dumping them for an easy lap pass.
I mean seriously, what do you gain by wrecking Brennan Poole in Rick’s #15 car…. You gain nothing but one more person who wants to deck you outside your hauler.
@Existing in a space i mean, tbf, whenever a RWR shitbox is taken off the track, thats one less roadblock…idc whos in it, RWR needs to just go away
@Existing in a space poole checked up going into the corner way too early thats why he got spun
People also forget to mention Larson squeezed him because early Ross pinched Larson so much it got him sideways to where he lost 3 spots.
Everyone is talking about the wall, but Chastain jumped the start on the second to last restart. Larson only came up on him because of that, if Ross had started by the rules none of this would happened.
I agree 100%. I feel like I was the only person who noticed
Nascar fucked up that whole restart to begin with, why were half destroyed cars put on front of non wrecked car
9591…..Exactly right. Why didn’t NASCAR call him on that and then have a new restart? Chastain is a cheater, needs to be reeled in. If NASCAR doesn’t do it, the other drivers will. Personally, I can’t wait to see it.
Nascar did notice it but only after the accident I think.
I didn’t realize that Truex spun out at the end of stage 2 because chastain went too hard into the turn and hit the wall, bouncing off into Truex.
These incidents by Chastain are also costing him race wins.
and yet is top 1st on championship points.
@Knight of the Nine Points aren’t the only thing that win championships
Ross shouldnt of even been there on that last restart. He quite clearly jumped the prior restart and shouldve been penalized
It’ll be interesting seeing that the next race is a non points race at a short track. That seems like a prime opportunity for a payback or three.
I’ve heard it said on Door Bumper Clear that the drivers you worry about doing payback aren’t the ones who say they will, but the ones who are quiet. Case in point Matt Kenseth. Kyle Larson not only didn’t talk to the media but completely avoided the question while being interviewed on RaceHub. With the fact the next race is a non points race happening at a short track, this is going to get very interesting.
Surely NASCAR drivers know it would be pointless (no pun intended) to get payback in an exhibition race where Ross won’t lose anything. They’d save it for the playoffs knowing them.
Yah, absolutely no reason to go after him in the all-star race. You have to wait for apoints race. However if all these guys are gonna keep making idle threats its pointless to talk about it. They all know if the retaliate, NASCAR will fine them. At what point does NASCAR sit him down and say “enough is enough”!! Also….If all the guys saying “We owe him” actually get him back race after race after race…..then we wont have to worry about seeing him in the playoffs. My idea is…wait til the playoffs and every jump in his $h&t and take him out at the first three playoff races to take him out of contention.
As long as NASCAR allow this kind of aggressive racing: Chastain will keep doing it
I keep hearing Chastain paying back Larson for his restart. Does he not remember Larson only crowded Ross bc Ross first ran Larson damn near in the fence. It was even and then Ross goes and does it again smh
Going into this year, I was definitely more worried about Ty Gibbs than I should’ve been and not worried enough about Ross Chastain
Anybody that can get under the skin of a driver as nice as Kyle Larson is fantastic in my book. Larson needed to start pushing back, and Chastain is too fun to watch. I loved it.
Ross might be the best thing to happen to the sport this century. No one has been more polarizing than Chastain in this decade. No one drives the car this hard and brings this level of entertainment to the sport nearly every week. The man is leading the regular season points by a solid margin. I haven’t been this invested in a NASCAR season in years and Ross is the main reason for that. This week to me was hard racing. Larson shoved him into the wall on the prior restart. Chastain sent it a little too hard and mainly wrecked himself. He gives 100% every lap and 110% at the end and I love him for it.
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