NASCAR may be pulling the band-aid off quickly when it comes to jumping head first into the streaming wars. Adam Stern from the SBJ reported that NASCAR is looking likely to dive in to an exclusively streaming only agreement for the NASCAR Xfinity Series. This would be a huge change of pace as NASCAR would in large part be abandoning TV to try to get a head start over other sports leagues and racing series to try to pick up more young viewers of the sport. So, the NASCAR Xfinity Series to be streaming exclusive?!
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ABC Sports
FOX Sports
Motorsports on NBC
NASCAR Productions
NBC Sports
Persona 5
Turner Sports
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Outro Song:
Strange Animal (Crowder Remix) by Gowan
Persona 5 OST- Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There -Instrumental version- FinfyInstrumentals
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What do you think of the idea of the NASCAR Xfinity Series going streaming exclusive?
I don’t think they should be streaming exclusive tbh, how do expect people to care about the new generation if they don’t have enough money to pay for yet ANOTHER streaming service
Watch the series collapse into oblivion
Not a good decision. Xfinity is getting bigger because of the traditionalists liking for xfinity being a traditional stock car if you wanna call it that
dont they realize that streaming is a failing product
Would just lose fans and would cause chaos
Im I opinion, it sucks, but cable and regular TV will probably be a thing of the past in the coming years
Nascar shouldn’t go to streaming. They will likely lose lots of fans.
No one watches Xfinity series
@Jupiter • шорты I do
I agree, they’re going to lose alot of viewers
@Jupiter • шортыI do.
@Jupiter • шорты I do
I guess I’m watching Xfinity races on YouTube uploads starting in 2025. I’m not wasting my money for exclusive streaming.
This isn’t a good idea. Not everyone can EXCLUSIVELY watch races on streaming only like not everyone can watch races on normal TV.
I still feel comfortable to watch races on TV or streaming. Especially with how my Xfinity provider is modernize with normal TV with streaming.
This could benefit the younger demographic but it could also kill off the hardcore and diehard fans. It’s basically a 50/50 risk.
that is the problem, everyone wants to focus on the younger crowd only and ignore the hardcore fans instead of focusing on everyone in general who care about the product
Honesty, i like this a lot
Less commercials for nxs, AND cost for a streaming platform a month is less than FS1 and USA individually.
Plus gets more people get the attention to Nascar and more importantly nxs
NASCAR has the uncanny ability to contemplate “what’s the worst business decision we can make right now?” Then execute even worse.
Any streaming option will save me money. I hate paying YT TV for nascar, so getting a whole series + 6 summer Cup races will instantly save me over $200
I say put the regional series like east and west on streaming instead
Exclusively streaming races is a bad idea. Doing it in combination with broadcasting on live TV is the right way to go in my opinion.
Honestly, if they go exclusive to Prime I’d be fine with that. Now, I don’t have any other streaming services so any others would piss me off
Is it hard to use the fox sports and nbc sports app for streaming instead? Just save the replays on the app and it should be fine and it’s free
As long as its not the Cup Series races going streaming exclusively, it’s fine.
But still L
They should have started with 1/4 or 1/3 of the races on streaming and gradually work their way up. Going to streaming is important for the future but going this deep into streaming so quickly is really risky
There goes a lot of my Saturday fun
U want more way to see the race not only one way to see
Why are they doing this experiment with xfinity? And why exclusively? It’s WAY too soon to put any of their series, even the truck series on streaming exclusively. So while I don’t think it’s a bad idea to move to streaming, I just don’t like the way they’re going about it.
I dunno. 592 days left till 2025.
I think going exclusive streaming is a bad idea. For the Cubs series I think if the race is on NBC should also be on peacock at the same time. That’s what NBC does for Sunday Night football. It’s on both at the same time.
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