But the LEOs car was at the legal limit while this guy was way below the legal limit the cop even proved that. He said it has to be at %43 or higher and his read at %13 while the cops read at %42.4 huge difference.
He’s rich, has nothing illegal, no bad warrants, no suspended licenses, registered cars. What more can they do to someone like that lol. It’s also the reason he goes 90-120 on some roads in some of his cars, with speed signs that say 45-60…. 😐
The State and federal government doesn’t want you to see into a LEOs car, but they certainly want to see into yours.
But the LEOs car was at the legal limit while this guy was way below the legal limit the cop even proved that. He said it has to be at %43 or higher and his read at %13 while the cops read at %42.4 huge difference.
@Larry Mace he open the door in police car that why it read higher
@Twotwo Low that is not how that works but ok
That’s how is should be if you don’t have anything why act like you do
which is totally fair, they’re LEO’s and you’re not
That my friends is the pose of someone that has absolutely no worries about being pulled over.
Probably because he doesnt have anything illegal in the car, no warrants or wants, and his demeanor is friendly.
He’s rich, has nothing illegal, no bad warrants, no suspended licenses, registered cars. What more can they do to someone like that lol. It’s also the reason he goes 90-120 on some roads in some of his cars, with speed signs that say 45-60…. 😐
It would be awesome if auto manufacturers give the option to customers if they wanna choose legal darker shaded windows over regular ones.
It’s nice to see a friendly police officer on YouTube for a change…
The cop was cool. He didn’t “cop” an attitude……
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