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The Nashville Fairgrounds Speedway has been at the center of American racing history for over 100 years, it also has been in the center of the local Nashville controversy for what should happen to it moving forward. NASCAR, SMI, and Bristol Motor Speedway want to renovate the track to bring NASCAR there for the first time in decades but unfortunately the opposition for it has only gotten worse with the deal seeming more and more realistic. So today I want to show you how the Nashville Fairgrounds opposition gets worse!
Video Credits:
ABC Sports
CBS Sports
FOX Sports
Idk Player
Kutub Husein
Metro Nashville Network
Misfit Productions
Motorsports on NBC
NASCAR Productions
NBC Sports
NewsChannel 5
NR Cup Series
NR Night In America
Racing America
Superstar Racing Experience
Turner Sports
White Mamba
WKRN News 2
Thumbnail Credits:
Getty Images
Outro Song:
Strange Animal (Crowder Remix) by Gowan
Do you want the Nashville Fairgrounds to return to NASCAR?
Eh idc really
There’s already 3 races at Tennessee per year
My thoughts with the Fairgrounds situation currently are that this track could have the same sad fate that Myrtle Beach Speedway did. If you hate racing and noise, why move/live next to a race track?
its historic and should be added along with memphis and Nashville has that road course
No we don’t need that track
But I do wana see home owners mad let’s get a truck race there
I still don’t get it. This will bring eyes to your city, bring more money to your city, allow your city to reinvest and all they care about is themselves. Absolutely moronic.
These people seem to forget that the MLS stadium is in action WAY MORE then the racetrack
@The Ultimate Agent of Chaos Yup. And concerts will be held there too. And racing already takes place there. This will add one race date a year and make ALOT more money
Not to mention literally every single complaint they have applies to all the new stadiums right next door. And not only applies but applies to the other stuff twice as much.
Sadly the future doesn’t look bright for Nashville Fairgrounds. We have to hope the track is saved before any thought of bringing NASCAR back.
It will be saved. The Nashville has already shown willingness for Motorsports with allowing Indycar to race through their streets. I’m pretty sure they’ll allow NASCAR to come too.
You are not aware of the Culture in Nashville & TN & the South, and Race Cars. Many famous Race Car drivers live in TN, & Nashville.
The residents of Metro Nashville Davidson County voted for the Racetrack & Local News does not report the Vote!
I hope that it’s not too good to be true to have Nashville Fairgrounds back in the cup series or something
I find it hilarious how they complain about noise with the Fairgrounds when they’ve had an IndyCar street race there for 3 years now.
Well, won’t this year be the third??
And SRX at nashville fairgrounds recently too
Because the V6s aren’t as noisy
@Blaise Michael or local/reg grassroots events too. But to me it was more about the engine noise
Ya back in the 80s at are local track in Langley BC Canada we raced on Saturday. Nights and one of the stupid complaints was it made some one sheep nervous and another one was there cows couldn’t milk
TLDW: The owner’s of Nashville’s soccer team is worried that the racetrack will take away fans and revenue by watching races instead of soccer.
I mean I don’t think he should worry because most games are Saturday bc of Apple TV and has been very good team thus far. As both a nascar fan and soccer fan (my goddamn shitty Red Bull team). As long the racing and nascar cup weekend does not clash with their home game it should fine. I mean cup weekend send Nashville Sc away simple. I would love to go Nashville for all the sports honestly.
I don’t think he’s worried about losing soccer fans, he’s worried about competing for things like concerts.
@Jason’s AdventuresThis nails it. Instead of working together, Ingram & co. see SMI as a competitor to be eradicated. He so much as said the neighborhood can’t handle two 30K seat venues. A Bristol rep accused him of wanting the Speedway snuffed out, and the way this is going, I believe it. Always gotta follow the money.
I think a major part of it is the Fairgrounds opposition to Nashville SC’s stadium. They fought against it every step of the way and are still suing even though it’s already been built. Makes it pretty obvious why Ingram opposes the track expansion
As someone who is nascar fan and soccer fan (a pain ful Red Bull fan in NJ). 25k or so in Nashville is loud and that team is on an upward success (Nashville SC). I think it’s possible to support both track and stadium while trying to mitigate traffic, quality of life and other issues that residents have a stake as well. I’m not sure when they will vote on the track but given the metro board has been supportive it might be slam dunk. However just because the opposition might not have good points or loudest does not mean they win (see Arizona coyotes arena situation although that’s on crappy owners). I think if nascar cup weekend comes then send Nashville SC on away game without scheduling it at the same to avoid stretching the resources. I would go to Nashville for this race if it happens
Nashville SC can play at Nissan Stadium again if needed.
@Run Rafa Run #THEBESTINTHEWORLD that’s not needed Geodis Stadium is there own home. Just let them play away for the weekend when cup races. Simple
I honestly don’t want to see another iconic piece of American racing history disappear. Nashville Fairgrounds is a great staple of racing, and a great investment for the city of Nashville itself. With so many people wanting to return to racing there, it will be a big boost in revenue and tourism to the Nashville area, and a boost for our sport in general as well. I’d like to see it return to the Cup schedule someday on a two-race schedule for the Nashville area in tandem with the Nashville Superspeedway (maybe replace Dirt Bristol with Fairgrounds), but I’d rather it not be so controversial.
It ain’t going nowhere. SMI and the city has already put a lot of effort into trying to bring back the track. They’re not going to pull the plug just because of some shitty oppression.
@Z06Paul if SMI is on the case, they they’re going to win. If they can bring back Wilkesboro for the All-Star Race, they can bring back the Fairgrounds.
How about putting the Nashville Superspeedway race in the spring and the Nashville Fairgrounds race in the summer? Residents with children who are out of school for the season can just go on vacation during that time and not have to complain so much.
I remember Slap said if Americans moved to Paris they’d within a few years be screeching like idiots to tear down the Eiffel Tower and build an apartment complex!
As a Nashville resident, I will NOT be voting for anyone who does not support the fairgrounds.
Glad to see someone with a brain.
problem is the fairgrounds board is appointed, not elected.
I do think nascar should expand the cup series toward more legendary tracks like they did with north wilkesboro while at the same time removing some dates or tracks all together to make room for more exciting things. Not to mention younger fans will get exposed to more short track racing and legendary tracks as well as long time fans seeing their once favorite tracks return. Obviously with the issue of lousy noise complaints from people who decided to move right next to a race track these tracks are starting to disappear at an alarming rate and as a result is just lost money for nascar and nashville or who ever else had this problem
SMI/Supports I think need to bring some younger/quicker speaking people for the next meeting. A lot of the people speaking against, while most of their points were incorrect, but their speaking abilities were a lot better, Clay Greenfield did a good job on Support, but from what I saw a lot of the speakers in support were older people who discussed the history of the track and covered that part very well, but few that really coherently broke down why the people speaking in opposition’s points were incorrect.
Funny how the people near the Fairgrounds keep complaining about noise when Nascar LITERALLY just had a street course race and there were NO noise complaints despite ALSO, at one point, being worried about noise.
I love the idea of having two race dates in the same city but at two different tracks. Not many places have that as an option. Closet I can think of is different track configurations, Daytona, Charlotte and Indy. Maybe Chicago Street then do Chicagoland. These people are always angry with nothing better to do. Ignore them, they don’t bring value to the world or anyone else.
The super speedway is not in Nashville it’s about 30 minutes or so away
Same market
The Fairgrounds needs to come back into the NASCAR fold. This sport has a greater history and legacy than almost any other in the nation. And it really needs to replace the Superspeedway.
I don’t live in Nashville but its so frustrating when you see so many people not want to vote to save an iconic track. These people complain about noise, and then you next to it is a Soccer stadium, and yes there’s noise there. I don’t understand, why people don’t want to save a track, at a city that’s been in on fire when it comes to racing in that market. AND SOME OF THOSE WANT TO ACT LIKE KARENS, YEAH I said it, and complain, complain, complain, complain, and now things like this don’t help at all.
On one hand, i really feel like this is becoming too much of a circus to bother continuing with, and that Nashville Speedway has had good enough racing in the past few years to justify keeping it around instead.
On the other hand, I really wanna get the chance to enjoy these people’s displeasure from the Fairgrounds getting re-opened, if for nothing more than me being petty. I hate the stigma certain people will give racing these days, and I wanna see local racing venues continue to grow and prosper more often, and it feels like there’s always some lunatics that decide to cry foul at the idea because “muh peace and quiet”. Let people have fun, dammit. Life’s too short as it is.
I went to both SRX races there and it’s amazing. I think they should bring it to Nascar. It had fun racing but like you said parking and getting in and out was a nightmare.
I hope the Fairgrounds comes back to NASCAR, went to a Busch series race there back in 2008 or 9 if I recall correctly. Had such a blast with my dad and brother.
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