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The Texas Motor Speedway May be at its crossroads. While it had some great moments leading up to the finish overall the racing at this facility has been quite boring for most people. With this the rumors have sprung up from those in the industry, including from NASCAR Cup Series champion Kyle Busch, that the Texas Motor Speedway would go the same direction as the Atlanta Motor Speedway and be reconfigured into a superspeedway styled track to emulate the racing seen at both Daytona and Talladega. This is why Texas should not become a superspeedway.
Video Credits:
FOX Sports
Motorsports on NBC
NASCAR Productions
NBC Sports
White Bat Audio
Thumbnail Credits:
Getty Images
Outro Song:
Strange Animal (Crowder Remix) by Gowan
Music Credits:
80s Retrowave / Synthwave Music – Hackers by Karl Casey // Royalty Free Copyright Safe Music uploaded by White Bat Audio
Do you think Texas should be changed into a superspeedway style track? Why or why not?
Only if each Atlanta and Texas get one date
Obviously yes, oh and on the way there, they should make it look like it was pre 2017 texas but as a 2 miler and i really REALLY expect them to do that
I think they should
I think they should just configure it like Charlotte. This is mainly just because it would work both for Nascar and Indycar (even though they haven’t been there since the late 90s)
In other words, put it back to how it was before they screwed it up
They screwed up by building it in the first place
@S.KullRandomSMI should have just bought and upgraded Texas World Speedway instead.
I think it should be renovated into old Atlanta. And I mean 1992 Atlanta. You may lose it for a year or two but what you get in return could be huge for Texas natives and NASCAR fans.
To be honest, yeah.
There’s only one symmetrical oval over a mile long, and only a handful of them total (Homestead, Bristol, Martinsville, Dover and New Hampshire).
It would offer something interesting in 1.5 mile racing nowadays.
I think they should’ve turned Texas into a superspeedway instead of Atlanta
Neither should have been a SS. We don’t need more than 4 SS races a season
Technically, there are more than 4. California, Michigan, Indianapolis, and Pocono are all superspeedways in terms of distance (2+), and they raced on all of them
Just bring Texas back to the old configuration. There were some fantastic races and finishes
@S.KullRandom when most ppl are talking about SS racing, they mean the pack racing.
As someone who has been to many races at TMS I would like three things.
1. Either put it back to the way it was pre 2017
2. Make it progressive banking like homestead or Kansas (make it a more aggressive banking)
3. Make it a superspeedway. It’ll be more exciting and honestly a better product then what we have now.
Sell the track to Penske.
I think option one is better!
All better ideas than turning it into another Atlanta. Dunno how aggressive you could go with the progressive banking. It’s a 2-degree change from low-line to the wall at Homestead, and running the low line’s easily half a second slower a lap. Make it 4-5 degrees of difference and it’d be one line around like Darlington, but without all the insanity racing there brings.
You forgot options 4 and 5:
4. Build a short track and sell off the land to developers, have it suffer karma for what it did to the racing scene as a whole
5. Demolish it all together, and just stick with COTA
@Avery AlfordI Agree.
I first voted that it was a below average race. After hearing and reading all the problems that the teams and drivers had the track this weekend, don’t change a thing. It gave them a challenge that a lot of them could not overcome. Keep it as it is and let them figure it out. It was an above average race.
Why not make an 2.0 mile Darlington type? (I don’t know why but I’d like to see an 2.0 mile oval track that would remind Darlington)
Texas needs progressive banking and make it like Homestead. Make it so the drivers can run where they want and not make it so dangerous to go two wide so drivers aren’t crashing out racing side by side.
If it goes the SS route, Atlanta should go back to an intermediate package, or we could have one Atlanta race and one Texas race. Same amount of races, some more diversity, could even have a night race at Texas and Atlanta (I love night races a lot so Atlanta would be probably in the day to balance). An SS night texas race would fix the hot weather problem easily, and to prevent “wild card insanity,” just have it take the current 2nd Atlanta date in the regular season. For more intermediate action we should get Chicagoland back (I wish for Kentucky too tbh, but that’s a stretch).
They’ll both have two dates if they go the SS route. They’ll make that deal before they ever do it so they can get their money back sooner.
@Nomad Man SMI will have enough dates without expanding the schedule?
An Idea I have is to reconfigure turns 1 and 2 to 24 degrees like it used to be and don’t touch the track anywhere else. They wouldn’t even have to tear the 7 year old asphalt up except for those 2 corners.
I want to see what Atlanta looks like in a few years when the pavement wears out. The pack racing will disappear, and it could revert to something close to what Atlanta used to be. If that happens I’m ok with it.
I would love for Texas to do something similar, but put Homestead style progressive banking on both ends, and fix the transitions where you can run the wall all the way around. It may very well race like Atlanta does now, but it would be different once the pavement wears.
As of 1997 I had infield camping spots between turns 1 and 2. The degree of banking is different from the original banking. This did nothing to stop the single file racing. I don’t call that racing. Like I said. It’s not only single file but the cars are spread out. I love what they did in Atlanta. I now go to socialize with friends I made over the years. The race is a after thought.
If they do make a 2 mile race I think make the track like a 2 mile version of Indy or a clone of Ontario Speedway with a bigger version of the road course in the midddle and could even have a 1/4 mile track somewhere on the premise that mobile seating is brought to be around for the events. I have only ever seen in 1992 or 1993 the last race at that was on Ontario superspeedway. This way you honor the past as well as note this new car works well on Superspeedway.
We need a Texas Super Duper Speedway; a 3 mile strait oval with 40° of banking, and a 90′ wide racing surface( because everything is bigger in Texas), and a solid infield road course that only implements the front stretch of the oval to try and keep IndyCar, and maybe attract the likes of IMSA, and TA. The current facility is nice, and DFW definitely needs, and deserves a track, but if it had to change, this would be it.
Just found out about IndyCar dropping TMS from the schedule. I am inconsolable.
NASCAR can’t have it both ways: they say safety is a primary objective, but then add 2 pack races at Atlanta and if they add even just 1 more, that’s the opposite of safety. I wish more people would call NASCAR out in this contradiction in a public forum so they’d have to answer to it in some way.
Personally, I’m over all pack racing and I’m only 39. I’ve been watching its evolution since the early 90s and it’s just gotten to the point where I wanna see regular racing at those tracks. Faster speeds with breaks between the cars like we see at other tracks would be safer than pack racing. Nobody can deny that.
I’d like to see Texas transformed into a 1.5 D oval as a cousin to Michigan, but they could use a slight progressive banking or just put it at 16 or 18 degrees.
Michigan used to be amazing until the repave. They used the wrong type of asphalt on it and it just hasn’t aged enough. Just don’t make that mistake again.
I don’t understand why they can’t just repave tracks and leave the banking, width, etc. the way it was before.
Like you said, Atlanta was always gonna need to be repaved at some point. But I remember being excited for whenever that repave would come because it would’ve been interesting to see just how fast the cars would be there.
But then they make Atlanta a superspeedway. In my opinion, the first good Atlanta superspeedway race we got was this past July. The 3 Atlanta superspeedway races before were all just wreckfests reminiscent of the Texas we have now mixed in with the train racing we see at Daytona and Talladega all the time.
Texas used to be a multi groove track like Homestead and Kansas. (anybody else vaguely remember Chase Elliott running near the wall at that one Xfinity race pre-repave?) Something tells me that if they’d just repaved it and not made turns 1 and 2 look like some kind of treacherous cliff, we’d be seeing that kind of racing again at this point, although the case could be made that PJ1 didn’t exactly help things, either….
I went I the Indycar race at Texas this year and it was by far the best race I have attended in person. It’s a real shame that it’s not on the schedule next year. Seeing those cars go 220mph in person was just crazy.
I missed this race… REALLY wish I would have went. Was watching it on TV thinking… DAMN I could have been there?
If they do make Texas a super Speedway please only give it and Atlanta one date. Not only will it keep us going to 8 super speedway races (to many) but it will give both places a chance to pack the stands for that 1 race a year
I genuinely think hectic has gotten better in the three years that I’ve been watching…
I say we keep letting the surface age, and I’m saying this as someone who loves the big tracks
What I want doesn’t seem to line up anymore
But I’d like to see the schedule look like 2005 again in terms of intermediates dominating the schedule especially the old Texas, Chicagoland, etc, but I’m not a Superspeedway fan
However I’d love to see more road courses (maybe VIR or Road Atlanta?) Come into the mix with some short track racing vs more superspeedways
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