Race winner Denny Hamlin is joined by crew chief Chris Gabehart and JGR team owner Joe Gibbs as they discuss Sunday's win at Bristol Motor Speedway. #nascar
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Denny Hamlin Beat Your Favorite Driver again!
Yes he did.
God go away
@@chief3378 You gonna cry? Lmao
@@TheUncancelable1 no I’m not crying he just comes back every week and says the same thing it’s kind of annoying after a while
Awesome, GO HAMLIN!
Love Denny
Most exciting race in years!!! Bristol is back.
DH!!!!! great race. I’m sure they can tinker set ups a bit to get 10 or 15 more Laps out of a tire run for the night race
It’s supposed to be hard. Loved the race
Congratulations Denny Hamlin now go win the Nascar cup series championship
with a little bit of circumstance and situation. this kinda race made the best car/driver/team show up today. congrats to the top 10 of em.
Gibbs car was faster, I was going in out to wash my truck, what happened to him?
@@DavidClark-vu3dwHe blew the tires off the race car. No surprise the veterans finished at the top.
how easily people forget…. good year used to be hardcoded about the tire warring too fast and blowing out way to soon. (before the newest body style cars) not to many years ago and they finally make a tire that doesn’t ware out as fast and the complaint gets reversed the last couple years….the aero package and lower hp is helping with lower tire ware … so it ain’t all on goodyear. in this case the track surface this day just ate up the tire and help create this kinda excitement.. it’lll be hard to replicate in fall i think. they shouldn’t change a thing for this race… but… the extreme just happened so… its going to get overreacted apon
Be nice if we had practice & happy hour like old times so teams could have made adjustments pre race!
they did have practice but the problems didnt arise then. neither did they during qualifying just everyone was loose
I liked the race it was very entertaining watching how each team/driver strategically managed those extreme tire wares which made the race entertaining. If fans thought that was boring then I don’t know what will ever make them happy.
Great race! If this was every week I’d be happy
If your here Denny is either your favorite or beat your favorite. Love Him or Hate Him that’s a flex. All publicity is good publicity
It was awesome! So much fun to watxh
Keep it up Nascar! It’s the driver and crews responsibility to keep the tires under the car. Make them last another 20-25 laps and let ‘em go .
It’s the tire! Good racing like we just saw is in the tire. It’s not the downforce or horsepower, it’s the tire!
That was the best race on a short track I’ve seen since the Gen 4 and early COT era! That’s what we need at every race, but particularly short tracks. Make the driver’s drive! Make the crews have to make changes and strategize! This was an awesome race, and there was only 2 lanes, no one wall riding so they had to navigate traffic or give someone the bumper. This was old school Bristol and I loved it!
Alright go Denny awesome
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