I’m glad Meyer won. Sure Sieg would’ve been a good story but I’m glad it turned out how it did. Sieg should’ve doored him again after coming off four and then got away from him and he probably would’ve won. Pinning Meyer against the wall just equalized their speeds.
Who won???RandyRose from michigan49452
Sam Mayer
Texas is better than martinsville and Richmond as of the last couple years
Kyle Petty: “That’s incredible!”
Mayer and Heim are two young guns that catch my eye. Mayers’ 4 wins way-late in the season last year showed how talented he is. Cat is fast
Now if you don’t mind me, I’m gonna go cry in a corner now.
But on the other side of this…hopefully this finish gives him good publicity that he and his small family-owned team needs.
For being sick, 4th was a really good result for Allmendinger
I think everyone let out a collective Damn it when Sieg lost.
I’m glad Meyer won. Sure Sieg would’ve been a good story but I’m glad it turned out how it did. Sieg should’ve doored him again after coming off four and then got away from him and he probably would’ve won. Pinning Meyer against the wall just equalized their speeds.
Ross was awesome in the booth. Brought so much to the broadcast
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