Nascar NewsBuscher vs. Reddick post-race at Darlington #nascar by klengelMay 13, 202428 38 Share0 Buscher vs. Reddick post-race at Darlington #nascar #chrisbuescher #tylerreddick
At least he apologized and took blame for it but he does understand why Busher is upset with him
He cost him the win, Chris had a chance to get in the playoffs
Lol saying you’re sorry does nothin.
@@LouieGood-do4fi should he say “I’m not sorry, I did it on purpose” then?
Ya think, I mean hell.
Chris should of played the little Red Head out
The camera looks like 2011 or 2012 grapics
Yeah it’s for throwback weekend I think? Lol
It was better live though
You rarely hear a driver say he would rather wreck than wreck another driver. Hats off to Reddick on that
Hats off to reddick for taking off his helmet before buscher came over. What a wimp
@@NASCARisthegoatNascar123-rr1ju All 5’5” of Reddick? Gimme a break. Dude did nothing wrong. Buescher still pissed off from last week
Reddick kept his helmet on
Smart man he is
Lol thought the same thing!!
Well, he did take it off, but not until he felt the heat was turned down
I get it on both guys but Chris has had a drama filled two weeks even tho he ran as good if not better than all of them most the day
So happy for Brad and the 6 team
That’s twice in a row for buescher
Average discussion in chat with the guy who plowed thru my soul in NiS
The 17 is a class act!
This shoulda been larsons race to win anyway
Too hard to hear them
Exactly WHAT Hsrd work is paying off??
What sticker on helmet ??
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