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If I had a nickel for every time a driver flipped at Michigan this past weekend I would have two nickels which isn’t much but it’s weird that it happened twice
AND if I had a nickel for every time Tyler Reddick won in a race where Corey Lajoie flipped, I’d ALSO have two nickels, which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice….
If I had a nickel for every social media platform I’ve seen you post this on I’d have $100
I think Ross would’ve flipped if he wasn’t on the wake of the pack
@@robalt91 he wouldnt have. Watch each spin. The 1 went around fast and was backward which allowed the flaps to open. Watch the 7. It starts to spin. One flap opens and slows the spin then the air packs up under the car and over it goes. You can see the “hitch” in the 7 spin as the first flap opens.
If I had a nickel for every time I’ve seen someone post “If I had a nickel…” about this race, I’d have too many nickels to count.
That 20 mph headwind in Michigan today really sent that 7 over. CRAZY!
That makes much more sense as to why the car flipped over. He was going about 185-190 when he spun out. Add the 20 mph tailwind down the frontstretch (a headwind at the other end of the track) and you get 205-210 mph of air hitting the 7 car.
@@tescoshortageAnd the unofficial NASCAR speed limit is 205 because the roof flaps become ineffective above that. 205+ is another world of aerodynamics.
@@tescoshortageno taco shortage .wrong af
@@mikeferguson898 Ok it can considered as a add on to it but the main thing is the headwind, trust.
Man thank goodness Corey is ok after the flip on the backstretch
ive seen some people saying they’re happy he flipped. i get it was good content but being happy over a almost life threatening accident is crazy ngl
@@somerandomanonymousnpc really probably Corey haters or just like to see flips but your right that could have been worse
Honestly, NASCAR’s penchant to throw a caution for overtime is just infuriating. MTJ was able to get on the apron. Overtime is a curse
The attempted rigging for hendrick was so blatant today
First we throw a caution for mtj doing absolutely nothing
And then we wait while Ross Chastain is spinning out of control until he’s basically stopped and the field has gone by to throw a caution
I’m co fident byron would have never had the lead if they hadn’t waited to throw the caution
Gimmick league
If that was Preece they would have waited until Spinhouse T boned him to throw a yellow.
Any other track I would say wait on the caution. As a spotter for NASCAR you see the 19 half way around and tagging the wall. If you throw the caution and he saves it (like what happened) NASCAR looks like fools. If the 19 spins back into 180mph traffic and gets hit NASCAR looks like fools with a possible injured driver for not throwing the caution fast enough. No win here for NASCAR. Last week it was Stenhouse, this week Truex.
@@POP7QWIZ They’d wait for thirty seconds so the white flag can fly, THEN have Stenhouse t-bone him
I’m glad Reddick won that OT. It finally didn’t feel like the winner was undeserving.
The issue last week wasn’t that Austin Dillon was “undeserving.” It was what he did to win after a series of unfortunate events took him out of the lead after he had just driven to the front of his own merit.
Most of the winners have been deserving, you just don’t like who wins the races most of the time it seems.
@@lmq9516 some of the last ot winner we’re undeserving like Logano at Nashville. Dillons win was deserving, but he got beat on the restart fairly and raced terribly. If he took the second it would have been fine
I’m really starting to get tired of hearing “tHiS wIlL bE gOiNg iNtO oVeRtImE!”
Gets old every week
i like it!
It’s the NASCAR gimmick cup series.
That’s because nascar creates its own drama
Unintentionally heard Rick Allen’s voice when I read that
Buescher won the lottery with the overtimes
I think one more and he might have had it, just send it on the outside
Yeah and Ross got screwed by the same ot.
It was like a 30 point swing
And as per Usual Elliott got fucked
This is also the first ever Non Superspeedway win McDonald’s has gotten as a sponsor since their first win over 30 years ago. The McCurse curse is officially over!
Michigan by definition is a super speedway. It’s just not a pack racing track.
@@southeastmotorsportthe rollovers in xfinity and cup this weekend were very much like superspeedway rollovers
@@user-ed1yx2fq7l yes Michigan is a superspeedway
Now that’s a stat
Reddick made more progress in his 2nd year with a new team than where he was at with rcr in his 3 years just shows that rcr was holding him back leaving rcr was the best decision ever now he’s arguably a championship threat and in position to win the regular season championship
By far his most consistent season! I hope he can hold onto the Regular Season Championship points!
I’d also like to see K Busch win a race to have a ticket to the dance!
Idk what’s more crazy: 2 cars flipping in the same weekend or the fact that KFB finally had a good race.
Yo is that bluejimmie48fa-
Yo it’s the “we” guy
Kyle Busch having a good day
Or the fact that Zane Smith finished 7th, with Carson placing 10th!
Despite almost going very gimmicky with the 2 OTs, we saw great racing and the best car win straight up. Love to see it.
If only it didn’t take 2 days to complete
Last time Toyota won at Michigan was in 2015 when your guy Matt Kenseth won Eric!
2 Reddick wins
2 LaJoie flips
Talladega and Michigan
If Lajoie flips, then Reddick will win the race
@@cosmicdisaster25 Heads you win, tails I lose?
Nobody is talking about how Tyler Reddick is slowly consolidating himself as the championship favorite.
Okay, I think every time I go to a race in person, it magically becomes either a really good or a decent race. Shoutout Reddick, he’s been my favorite driver for a while and I’m glad to see him wheel that McDonald’s machine to victory lane. Incredible racing today.
Really appreciate Tyler Reddick mentioning Scott Bloomquist…. For the dirt late model community, that’s very special.
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